Neither do Sectoid Commander or Ethereal materials.Ģc. The case with Major was a coincidence.Ģb. Snorting or otherwise ingesting powdered Sectoid DOES NOT grant psychic powers.Ģa.

Even if it ricochets and starts a catastrophic chain reaction of events which clears the entire X-Ray landing site.Ģ. Even if it hits an EXALT Operative.ġaiii. Nor does claiming 'I hit exactly what I aimed at'.ġaii. Saying 'oops, I missed' does NOT excuse missing a shot by that much.ġa. ‘RUNNING THE ASYLUM’ - Shorts based on this list - can be found here. I personally keep damage gunners through the whole game but some people spec into the 'bullet wizard' build which trades HEAT for Shredder ammo and is centered around applying Holo targetting, shredder, and suppression to multiple targets per turn via a collection of perks.THINGS X-COM OPERATIVES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DO - By RogueVector Your gunners get access to HEAT ammo in their perk tree, and you want to be rushing a couple HEAT/damage build gunners to carry your shit damage output through ballistic and maybe even laser. As far as cyberdisks go, they honestly become sort of trivial in Long War. If you're playing Long War, bring more grenades for the melee swarms (because they'll have lightning reflexes very soon if they don't already) when you know they'll be around (terror missions, Site Recon, and the DLC missions that you should turn off because they're fucking insane in LW depending on when you get them, and might still contain this one gem with a glitched Cyberdisk that just pops up through the floor of a battleship when it feels like activating) as you'll also have access to special purpose AP grenades for taking out clusters of non-covered targets. Your tech will eventually outstrip theirs, and your unkillable titanblobs will win the day.

The aliens never get any stronger than when you meet them, so playing the long game is ridiculously to your advantage even as you're encountering new types. To counter how wrecked your ass is getting in the tactical game, most people rush a shitton of satellites and focus on developing eco and tech as much as possible. The game is basically an endurance test until you can get some veterans and up your tech. If you're playing vanilla stay the fuck away from half cover.